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5 Posing Tips That Every Boudoir Photographer Must Know

5 Posing Tips That Every Boudoir Photographer Must Know

Boudoir is all about being intimate, sensuous, and looking extremely sexy while being elegant. Boudoir is one of the fastest-growing types of photography because of its uniqueness and extravagant look. Every woman out there wants a boudoir photography session. One thing that every Chicago boudoir photographer should know or probably already know is that posing can make and break the entire photograph.

When it comes to Chicago boudoir photography, we know it is all about being intimate, sexy, and appealing. According to Merriam Webster, the Chicago boudoir photography is one of the most challenging and critical sorts of photography and thus is difficult to master. But that does not mean that there aren’t any best and most professional Chicago boudoir photographers out there. There are multiple and several Chicago boudoir photographers out there who have successfully mastered the art of boudoir.

Boudoir Photographer

As a professional Chicago boudoir photographer, you need to understand the importance of posing in photography. Posing the most crucial element. Since the boudoir photography is provocative, fun, and alluring, women and models need to create a pose that strikes the perfect balance between sexiness and elegance. As a Chicago boudoir photographer, it is your responsibility to explain to them how posing works and select the poses which look flattering on your client’s body. The point is to work on the problematic areas of the body and handle them in such a way that your client feels confident and sexy.

Remember that every client is different, and they have different bodies; thus, as a Chicago boudoir photographer, you need to get creative and come up with different kinds of poses that would suit the physique of your client. There will be times when you will analyze and imagine some poses on clients. While executing them, you will realize how unflattering they look; in such hard times, the Chicago boudoir photographer needs to opt and try and try for a different perspective.

From different perspectives to a variety of angles and various kinds of lights, every single factor has a huge influence on the poses. Therefore, to get the best playful and sensual pictures, expand your horizon and do not be scared of experimenting and trying new things out. Make sure the poses you select accentuate your client’s bodies and make them feel sexy.

Communicate with your clients and collectively come up with different kinds of poses that keep your client comfortable and allow them to click some stunningly gorgeous pictures. Here are five posing tips that every Chicago boudoir photographer must know.

Relaxed Posture

Boudoir photography is all about getting intimate and looking sexy, and one can not pull that off unless one feels relaxed and comfortable. Remember, if your client’s body appears stiff or under pressure, it would ruin the entire shoot. Therefore, the first tip is to get your client into the most relaxed posture. However, keep in mind that we do not mean slouching by relaxing. Relaxing means posing gently. Their pose should have that lightness and fragility.

Dare to Play with Shadow

To become successful and professional, the Chicago boudoir photographer needs to become brave enough to try new things. As a Chicago boudoir photographer, your job is to play with light and capture the essence and beauty appeal of your client’s body. Shadows play a huge role, especially in the pictures in which one has to appear intimate and sexy.

This takes us to the next point when you are experimenting with shadows; make sure you have proper lighting as well. Lighting is indeed one of the most crucial elements of photography. If you are going for the subtle yet bold and intimidating sexy pose, make sure you have appropriate light that would cover all the trouble spots of your client and make them feel confident and beautiful.

Remember that lights and shadows convey the mood of the picture. Therefore, use lighting to create and accentuate your pictures while also adding intriguing and intimate elements.

Build Your Client’s Confidence

The biggest tip regarding posing is that always keep in mind that your clients are normal people. They are not victoria’s secret models who would know how to pose and act in front of the camera. At first, they might be a little hesitant and uncomfortable. As a Chicago boudoir photographer, your duty is to make sure you communicate with them, explain to them, and develop their confidence. Once your client is confident, you will be able to shoot the best possible poses with them.


Boudoir Photographer

Relax the Lips

Intimate and sensual pictures are extremely captivating. To create that subtle sexy effect through pictures, you need to look after every little detail. As a Chicago boudoir photographer, keep a close check on your client’s lips. Usually, women keep their lips pressed against one another, creating tension, and the jaw looks tense. In boudoir photography, the model is supposed to look effortless and relaxed. Therefore, keep reminding your client to release the tension from the lips so that you can get some softer and effortless intimate looks.

The Eyes, They Talk

Boudoir photography entirely depends on the body, and our eyes are very powerful. They can talk and can intimidate others. Therefore, it is vital that as a boudoir photographer, you give extra attention to the eyes of your clients. The intimacy, sexiness, and beauty are in the eyes. Make sure you tell your client to keep their eyes well-lit and shiny.


Have a look around the blog and make sure to contact me ASAP! Let’s get your session day on my calendar, and let’s create memories that you’ll remember for a lifetime.

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