Do you find yourself saying, “I can’t wait to lose weight to do a photo session”. Don’t worry most of us have told ourselves the same thing, so your not alone. Now I ask you, why are you waiting to love yourself?
As woman we come in all shapes and sizes! We’ve often spend time comparing ourselves to unreasonable expectations of those we see in magazines and on tv, when we should be embracing our bodies and beauty that we already have. I’m going to let you in on a little secret, these women we see and idolize on television and in the magazines are far from perfect. These photos of these women are heavily photo-shopped, and sculpted to fit into what the main stream media wants us to think is the “perfect” body. If you had the opportunity too see their before shots, you’d see they look nothing like their after shots.

Over the past eleven years some of my favorite sessions have been with very curvaceous women. Just about each and everyone of them walked into the studio feeling just as you are feeling, and ended up leaving the studio loving their session and their photos. Leaving with a new found confidence they didn’t know they possessed within their selves.
Self love, this is something we all to often look over, but if your not loving yourself how can you find your true happiness? We’ve all been through struggles, be it weight, scars or just imperfections with our physical self. I say let’s embrace those imperfections, let’s set ourselves free of the burden of worrying your not “perfect”, because let’s be honest no one is. Even women who are naturally very tiny have all the same problems. We all have that one friend who seems to have everything together, you know the one that seems to have the perfect life or the perfect body. I want you to remember that seemingly perfect friend of yours may be looking right back at you wishing they were you! You may get frustrated with the stretch marks that pregnancy has given you, but your friend may be wishing she had them. We all are perfectly imperfect!

Do you find yourself saying “I’ll do this or I’ll do that when I lose weight”? Many of us are delaying our lives and happiness by thinking this way. We all know that old saying, “no one knows what tomorrow holds,” and it’s true! There is no point in waiting to do something you’ve been wanting to do because your a few pounds heavier than you’d like to be. If you really think about it, it may sound like your punishing yourself for your weight. Your letting the scale be a barrier between you and your happiness.

Believe it or not thinner women are not happier than women who carry a bit of weight. There is no reason happiness and contentment should come from a mere number on the scale. Women are beautiful, sexy, and amazing in every shape and size.
Boudoir photography is all about wardrobe, lighting and posing. My eleven years of experience working with women of all shapes and sizes, I can assure you that when you see your finished photographs you won’t see all of your perceived flaws. I ask you to trust my experience, let go of your insecurities and let me guide you to learn to love and rock the body you have been blessed with.
If your needing a little confident boost a photo shoot just may be the jump start you need to find your true inner beauty and self confidence that’s waiting to be let out! The boudoir experience s about capturing your true authentic self, allowing you to see yourself the way others see you.