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You gotta want it BAD| Northwest Indiana Boudoir

You gotta want it BAD| Northwest Indiana Boudoir

The person you see in your florescent mirror and the woman who sits in front of my lens are so much the same, yet so different.

You see the woman who has been through some shit–who has carried the burdens that others stacked upon her, the woman who has disappointed others and herself, the woman who has been doubted, the woman who is flawed, the woman who needs to change, the woman who just can’t seem to get it together.




I see the woman who lived to tell about it–who kept going even when she didn’t think she could, who manages to smile even after hiding in a closet just long enough to cry it out, who is so uniquely beautiful no matter her size, who has had every reason to quit trying to love herself yet never does.

I see you, for you.  I see beyond your pant size, past your age, and through the walls you try to build around you.  When you stand in front of that bathroom mirror, surveying yourself from every angle, convincing yourself that you could NEVER pull off a boudoir session…

….remember that I do not see you, the way that you see you.  I will take every single piece of your pain, and turn it into an incredible mosaic–a testament of all the battles you have won.  I will carry your burdens with you.  I will cheer you on when you need a hype girl, and I will cry with you if you need to heal from things that have broken your heart.

If you want to experience the transformative power of boudoir, don’t wait.  Time is not on our side, friend.  It’s a non-renewable resource.  There isn’t a single money problem, timing problem, weight issue, or any other excuse that we can’t overcome together.

The kicker?  You gotta want it BAD.  You have to decide to put all of your trust in me, and more importantly in yourself.

“Thank u Janet u had me crying this is perfect about me and I never felt as wonderful as I did in my life until I did pics with is something every woman should do and ur the perfect person to do it with..!”- Dede

Contact me and let’s talk about a session or call (219).671.4699



Have a look around the blog and make sure to contact me ASAP! Let’s get your session day on my calendar, and let’s create memories that you’ll remember for a lifetime.

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